Friday, March 30, 2007

Leftovers Progress...

It's been a little over a week, and a few things to report. Last weekend, while out of town, I took some of the dollar tree yarn with me "just in case." One of my neices saw it and asked me to make her a scarf. I made it very thin. CO 8, knitting all. Added tassles. I did not have a camera with me, but she's promised I can take a picture later. Even though we were in the 80's here last weekend, she's also requested a matching hat & mittens. (Guess I need to learn how to do those huh?) My nephew also requested a scarf in red & black "Georgia Bulldog" colors. I picked up some yarn for it at Walmart, but it hasn't been a top piority (i.e. temps in the 80's! LOL).

I've had some difficulties with the leftover vest, and I've done several sets of frogging & re-knitting after (stupid) mistakes. Mistakes & all I'm really happy with how it is turning out. Here is a picture from 2 days ago out in the sunlight:

I've made a little progress since then, here is a more up close picture:

Isn't it turning out cute? I can't wait to wear it. Maybe just maybe I can finish it and wear it for easter? I measured and I have about 4 more inches until I split for the armholes.. Hopefully I will have some more to report next week.

P.S. Does any one have a first sweater without mistakes in it I wonder? LOL.. even with all the frogging & re-knitting I still have a few.


elizabeth said...

They're not mistakes, silly, they're "design elements"! Ha! I wonder if there will ever come a time when I don't make a ton of (usually stupid) mistakes. I figure as long as I learn from it, it's all good. :o)

Anonymous said...

It looks great!! I hope, too, that you will be able to wear it for Easter. I'm sending you "knit fast, knit FAST" wishes even now. :-)

Bibby said...

Looking good if you ask me. Frogging, oh my, what's that like???

Loralie said...

That's so cool! I love the colors! It's hard to make a sweater, and don't worry -- I can't see any mistakes!!