So much knitting stuff to report! Most of the week I have been knitting squares for a baby blanket out of some baby teri yarn I had on hand. I've also been reading lots and lots of knitting blogs! I especially love seeing peoples galleries where you can see what their "first" items were, and then where they are now.. and WOW! :D
On Saturday I dragged Randy about town. We went to both the local knitting yarn shops.
The first one was Wild Fibre
This store is just *gorgeous*. They had the type of yarn you dream about. A smaller store, in the down town historic area, and just everything about it was wonderful. They were having a bit of a class, and I'm staying away from the quality yarn for the time being, so we didn't stay too long.
The second was a store called The Red Needle
This store had a LOT more yarn.. but it was a lot different. This one is more of your grandmothers knitting store. Where the other store screamed "new & fresh" this one screamed "nostalgia" The yarn was pretty reasonable though, and It's closer to my work place so more accessible. For now.. I'm going with lower grades of yarn while I learn.
After that we went by our local humane society thrift store. I had seen an assortment of knitting needles there once before, and thought that they *may* still have them. They didn't but I did find a *GREAT* thrifty deal (thanks the my husbands sharp eyes!). There was a basket of yarn with it marked for $1 each! Here is what I picked out from it.. everything in this picture ended up being around $6.50.
In other news, I owe my sister in law a fleece tie blanket. Her birthday was the beginning of the month, and she requested one. With my grandfathers death, it had just been put off, but Joann's fabric was having a good sale (and I had a coupon). I also picked up some more yarn for a scarf & some knitting needles.
We made it home, and DH wanted to watch some boy movies, so I decided to knit the scarf. I felt like I couldn't really call myself a knitter until I had a project done, so I wanted to finish something!
This is a garder stitch scarf, knit with size 15 needles, and lions brand sierra. It was supposed to be for a co-worker, but I'm feeling pretty attached. I decided to keep it and even wore it to church this morning. :D I have plenty of the yarn, so I will make my co-worker another one.. probably one with a tighter weave.
My every day coat is black though, so I decided to CO another scarf out of the thrift store yarn. Here is what is on my needles now.
The picture doesn't do it justice. It's another lions brand yarn, this one is a green base, but has blue, browns, reds, purples in it. I'm loving how it's going. (Also loving working with the wooden needles) I CO 25, but somewhere along the way I have 27, and I didn't realize it until I had been knitting it that way awhile, so I am just going with it. :D
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